Thursday, January 13, 2011

Shroud of Turin Exhibit - Notre Dame Center

A definite climactic highlight was this presentation entitled, "Who is the man of the shroud?" Johanna, a lay consecrated woman with Regnum Christi, gave a phenomenal presentation going through the history of the shroud and leaving everyone to answer the questions of Did Jesus rise from the dead?; What does that mean?; and Was this the burial cloth of Jesus? Of course, the answer was pretty clear. For more info click here.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Qumran - Dead Sea Scrolls

In 1947 a bedouin boy discovered the qumran cave where many scrolls containing parts of the Old Testament were discovered. These copies were made by scribes at the time of Jesus.

Jericho - the oldest city in the world

We enjoyed a look at the Temptation Monastary on the side of the mountain as well as a sycamore tree that was definitely not the one Zaccheaus climbed - fun to see and reflect on nevertheless.


Jesus visited Bethany many times and knew Lazarus, Martha and Mary. Lazarus died and Jesus made him come back to life after 3 days. This may be the tomb in which he was buried.

Dead Sea - what a float

The dead sea is farther below sea level than any other body of water in the world. Therefore, nothing flows from it - water flows into it and stays or evaporates. No fish live in it - it is lifeless. This contasts the Sea of Galilee which is the source of water and fish for the people of the Holy Land. A good spiritual analogy can be made with these - if you only take but do not give, you will have no life in you. However, if you receive and give in return (like the Sea of Galilee) you will have life within you and be a source of life for others.
The Dead Sea
The Sea of Galilee

Gethsemane - Jesus' agony in the garden

We visited this garden with an olive tree (about 2,200 years old) and the Church of All Nations or Church of the Agony built over the rock where Jesus sweated blood in his agony. Fr. Justin celebrated Mass and many of us were moved to tears as we encountered Jesus who laid down His life for us.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Bethlehem - Shepherd's Field

The Angels appeared to the shepherds who were watching their flocks by night in these fields just outside the town.